
It has been quite a while since I have posted so I thought I would just pop in for a quick post (it’s my blog, I can do that – LOL).

Anyway, my time has been spent *trying* to get my house back in order (for the umpteenth time) and spending time with my precious family. 

It seems that even though it is nearly summer, and the days are supposed to be getting longer, that there is still not enough time in the day to get everything done.  I know that my main problem is how I budget my time and that is one of the main things I have been working on for the past month (read: less internet time). 

You would think I would have the hang of this whole "being a wife and mother" thing down pat – but far from it!  I have so much to learn!  Goodness, sometimes it feels like I take one step forward and two steps back (especially with the laundry!). 

Of course, I wouldn’t trade one minute (or load of laundry) for any other job in the world.  It is such a blessing to know that my husband can depend on me and that my children can trust that I am here for them.  I praise the Lord for awesome task He has set before me and I pray that He blesses my time.

Lord Bless, Dana

15 thoughts on “Time

  1. i made a stand re laundry this week. my 6 year old got into the habbit – cos i let him – of wearing differnt clothse after school each day… though he was MENT to be wearing the same – or tehy would end up in a pile in his room of semi dirty clothes – argh! so this week he HAS to wear the same clthes all week after school (change tshirt every 2 days) laundry is a pain eh sometimes!!! but family and being home is wondeful!


  2. Claire,
    I KNOW about kids changing clothes. We are in the midst of potty training (and I prefer real undies instead of pull-ups) so Si has been going through several pairs of pants a day. Plus, being the fashion-conscience little 2 year old that he is, he thinks that if he changes his pants, he needs a new shirt too! LOL.

    As for Chad, he has a REALLY heavy workload right now and has had to travel a lot lately. Hopefully, things will slow down a bit this fall/winter.


  3. we did the undies instead of pull ups too! evangeline was really good compared to caleb – maybe a boy thing? we always did it in summer though – at least the washing drys quick!


  4. Wow! This sounds like me lately 🙂 I’ve been trying to keep my house in order. It seems like it goes out of control for days, I get it back together & it lasts for 1-2 days… then out of control again! Sometimes it feel overwhelming. But, I have been trying hard to keep it in order these days 🙂

    We are potty training too!!! I actually got the ebook, “3 day potty training” & it worked! Basically it’s about patience & focus, and love! This is day 4 for us now – Amy woke up dry – woohoo. Yesterday & today she has been letting me know when she has to go though. I’m so happy 🙂

    Sorry this is so long! I don’t know if you found my other comment on how I found your blog (it’s under the submissive wife posts).

    Take care, Michelle


  5. Hi Michelle,
    I am glad you found my blog and that the Lord used my post to bless you :o).

    That potty book sounds great! Would you mind sending me a link? Even though he is my third to potty train, I am still on the lookout for tips! How old is Amy? Josiah will be 3 in July and he has been very interested (and successful when I remember to remind him – lol).

    Claire, My older two have both been easy to potty train (say’s the mama in hindsight – lol). We also like to PT in the warmer months (which is now for us in SC, USA).



  6. I’ve been wondering when you would post again! Glad you’re doing alright and have been doing good–of course, I didn’t think you’d be up to no good! 🙂



  7. Susan, Nope, I’m just good… for nothing (like free, not worthless – HA!). How are you feeling these days? Is Elias warming up for his debut? It is no fun being preggers in the summer heat – but it IS worth it :o)

    Eugene, Thank you! You are so sweet!

    Blessings, Dana


  8. I am working now full time. I have for the 5 years. It’s tough. I am cleaning house right now, but I saw that you left me a comment (thanks)on my devotional. You are an encouragement to me!

    I told one of our sons last night that what this family needed was a Mom. I feel like my home is just a dorm room for me. (I told him that,too. He’s about to turn 17) I am gone most of the time, and our house is so DIRTY. It’s a struggle to try to think that things would be cleaner if no one lived here, yet with the 5 of us, we have love and each other, AND dirt and clutter. I don’t know when it could happen, but I would once again like to be the wife and mother whose main time of the day is spent taking care of the family’s needs and my own.
    I’m glad you are taking the stand to do this. I don’t think you’ll ever be disappointed!

    Love, Myra http://myra.lifewithChrist.org


  9. Thanks Myra,
    I also joke that our house could stay clean if we didn’t live here *smile*. I also know the flip side of this – when you don’t get to spend enough time at home to get the cleaning done. I really think that the problem that most of us have is simply that we have too much stuff. I am slowly trying to simplify, but at this rate, I won’t be done until I’m almost 80 – LOL.

    I too think it is better to have love and each other and share it with a bit of clutter and dirt than to be so focused on a magazine perfect house that you don’t make memories and show your kids that you love them.

    I don’t think the kids will remember the ring in the potty but they they will remember a mom who reads to them and shares kisses and laughs with them :o)

    Thank you for your kind words – YOU are such an encouragement to me :0).

    Blessings, Dana


  10. we did the undies instead of pull ups too! evangeline was really good compared to caleb – maybe a boy thing? we always did it in summer though – at least the washing drys quick!


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